When you do a search on Google Image Search, the search results are not the same as they are when you do a normal Google search. This task shows you how to browse through the results.
1. Go to Google Image Search
Get to the Google Image Search by going to http://images.google.com or by starting at the Google home page (www.google.com) and clicking the Images link just above the search box.
2. Type Your Search Terms
Google Image Search works like the normal Google search site, so type your search term or terms and press Enter or click Search Images.
3. Browse the Results
The search results page looks different from the normal Google results. You see thumbnails of pictures that match your search. Beneath each picture is information about the image, including the filename; the resolution of the image in pixels; the size of the image in kilobytes; and the site on which the image is found.
4. Sort Images by Size
After you've done your search, you can choose to show only those images of a certain sizesmall, medium, or large. From the Images Showing drop-down list box, select Large Images, Medium Images, or Small Images to specify which size images to display. Note that the image size in this context refers not to the size of the image in kilobytes, but to its resolution size.
5. Search Within Your Results
If you get too many search results, you can fine-tune your search by searching within your results. Scroll to the bottom of the results screen, and click the Search within results link located underneath the search box. A new page appears. Type your new search term (don't retype your original term), and you search within the original results.
6. Browse to the Next Page
As you can with any Google search results page, you can browse to the next page of results by clicking the Next button, located in the navigation area at the very bottom of the results page. Go to a specific page of results by clicking the page number you want to view (click the 1 to return to the first page of results), or click the Back button to go backward through multiple pages of results.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Browse Through Image Search Results
Labels: Google Search And Tool
Thursday, January 4, 2007
About Finding Images with Image Search
Finding pictures with Google Image Search is much like finding anything on Google. As you can see in the nearby figure, the search interface is the same bare-bones search you've come to know and love for basic Google.
You perform a basic search for images in the same way you do a basic search on Google. Type your search terms (including any advanced search operators), and Google does its searching magic, combing through hundreds of millions of images to find one that matches that for which you're looking.
But some significant differences exist between using Google Image Search and using Google, and they have to do with the nature of images themselves.
In a normal Google search, Google looks through text it has indexed from hundreds of millions of web pages. Using a complicated series of rules, it decides which pages best match your search terms.
With images, though, things are different. An image is not made up of text; it contains no words. As smart a company as Google is, its search engine cannot examine a picture and know what it's a picture of. To Google, a picture of a zeppelin is no different than a painting by the Renaissance artist Caravaggio or a photograph of Hawaii. Basically, to Google, all three of these images are just bunches of bits.
So how can Google know what those pictures are if it can't decipher them? By using detective work that even Sherlock Holmes would envy. For a start, it looks at the image's filename. If the filename is Caravaggio.jpg, for example, there's a good chance that the image contained in the file is either a portrait of Caravaggio or a painting by Caravaggio.
Google also looks at the text near the image on a web page as well as at the text on the entire web page. Very frequently, web pages include a caption directly above, beneath, or next to an image. Google can associate that caption information with the image. In addition, other text on the web page itself provides more information about the image, and Google extracts that information as well. As an example, look at the nearby figure. The page is a biography of the painter Caravaggio and includes images of his paintings, with the names of the images and more information next to each painting.
So keep in mind when you're doing your Google Image Search that you're actually searching for information Google can find about each image. As you'll see in Perform an Advanced Image Search, this knowledge can help you better narrow your search.
Labels: Google Search And Tool
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
About Power Searching Strategies
Knowing how to do a search, how to do an advanced search, and how to use search operators goes a long way toward effective Google searching. But even knowing all that won't go all the way.
You need to combine all that technical information you acquired in the first tasks in this chapter with power searching strategiestechniques for crafting searches that give you results as close to possible to that for which you're searching.
Everyone has his own strategies for better searching, and so it's always a good idea to ask others for their ideas. But here are a few hints that should help you with your Google searches:
* Be specific The Web is an enormous place, containing literally billions of pages. Almost any search you do brings back far too much information. So make sure your search is as specific as possible. If you're looking for a history of the making of the album Blonde on Blonde by Bob Dylan, don't just search for "Blonde on Blonde". Try history "Blonde on Blonde" and you'll get better results.
* Be brief More is not always better when it comes to searching. Be as precise as possible with the terms you search for, and you'll get the best possible results. A short, precise search is much more effective than a rambling, imprecise one. So the search term history of castrati is better than history of castrati who were special boy child singers starting in 1600.
* Vary the order of search terms When you do a search, Google looks not only at the terms themselves, but at the order in which you type them. Google applies more weight to the first terms than it does to later terms in the search string. So use more important terms first. However, it's also worth trying to do a search that uses the same search terms, but with the order varied; rearranging your terms sometimes returns exactly the results you want.
Labels: Google Search And Tool